A.T.Ariyaratne, Founder, Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement of Sri
the spirit of Martin Luther King, he has led peace marches and meditations
with millions of poor people. In the mold of Mahatma Gandhi, he has quieted
angry masses through his personal example. Like Jimmy Carter, he has successfully
mediated intense conflicts and helped build hundreds of homes. Like the
Dalai Lama and the world’s greatest preachers, he has an impressive
ability to rally ordinary citizens to see the spiritual wisdom of looking
beyond their own salvation to help ensure the salvation of others. But
he is definitely his own man...
is the largest non-government organization in Sri Lanka, this grassroots
movement involves people in more than 11,000 villages rediscovering their
ability to influence their own destinies. Sarvodaya has energized them
to build more than 5,000 pre-schools, community health centers, libraries
and cottage industries; establish thousands of village banks; dig thousands
of wells and latrines; promote biodiversity, solar energy, rehabilitation…and
Rooted in Buddhism and other ancient Sri Lankan traditions, Sarvodaya
celebrates the involvement of many of Sri Lanka's bikkus--local monks
who play an active role in village life. But the movement is open to anyone.
One can visit a participating village and see houses built by Hindus,
Buddhists, Christians and Muslims next to one another. New homeowners
eagerly tell of their close friendships despite different religious and
cultural traditions--friendships that come from working together for common
from the interview:
Prasad: One question I have is there are many people who have
been interested in Ahimsa or Bhoodhan and Sarvodaya and some of them.
But there is a magic that you seem to bring about where you were able
to grow this from 100 villages to 1000 villages to 16000 villages and
multi activities that are taking place. What do you think is the secret?
Why is it that you are able to make this grow and happen where as many
other people talk about it and many other people are passionate about
Sarvodaya but are not able to make the same kind of improvement and make
same kind of contribution that you are able to do?
Ari: There are lots of people who are really making a good contribution.
But they don’t have a good karma for the people to know that they
are doing a good thing ( laughs ). I have had a good karma so people know
that I am doing these things. Anyway I am not proud or say that I am better
than other people but what I am saying is that if a person is totally
committed, he can succeed. Now I have completely committed, I never looked
back from the day that I started. I was never discouraged by the opposition
and all kinds of trials and regulations that I had to go through.
Because I had in my own mind, by doing what I was doing I am perfecting
Paramithas the moodhitha is expected to fulfill. Now that itself is enough.
You know when paramithas are perfect, we become a perfect human being.
I benefit the soul, giving away, morality, detachment or renunciation,
development of wisdom, having lot of effort, developing patience, searching
for truth, having determination, developing loving kindness and equanimity.
Those are called the 10 principles for a person who wants to attain an
enlightened life, to be perfect. I keep these 10 perfections in mind.
Whatever I do work I do fit into that program. If I fail I am determined
again to do it and succeed. If somebody condemns me and not allow to do
this work, I will have loving kindness to that person and win him over.