Four Questions: An Approach to Ignite your Natural Genius.

Similar to biological DNA, every Individual or organization has a unique personality or cultural DNA. A mapping of this DNA can answer four essential questions that could Ignite the Genius Within an individual or an oraganization.

By Prasad Kaipa, Ph. D.

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I found four important questions in working with CEOs and senior executives in assisting them (and their organizations) identify their unique DNA. (While the term “DNA” --used metaphorically-- could refer to either personal DNA or organizational DNA, in this article, I focus just on personal DNA). By tapping into our DNA, we can find new ways distinguish ourselves, unleash our authentic leadership, evoke passion, harvest our creativity (potentially resulting in new intellectual property, innovative products and services) and build a brand. In this short article I list the four questions, propose an integrated framework and offer some suggestions on how to inquire into these questions to tap into personal DNA and ignite our natural genius. Natural genius is the source of our unique competencies and capacities that makes us effective, creative and energetic.

The four questions I encourage people to ask themselves are:

North Star, Core Incompetence, Energy Trigger, and Alarm System are four strands of our personal DNA.

What is Personal DNA?

At Kaipa Group, we believe that it is possible to create conscious DNA maps that represent an individual’s (or organization’s) unique personalities (or cultures). Although the words “personal DNA” “organizational DNA” and “cultural DNA” are metaphoric with respect to the actual meaning of a genetic code, they still have the potential to affect the generative capabilities that activate hidden codes in our biological DNA. It is argued by some researchers that we have many more codes that lay inactive in our genetic code (often called “junk DNA”), and certain emotions and actions can trigger those codes, allowing us to tap into a latent, previously unknown inner genius. We have worked with executives and companies such as Cisco, Mastek, Ford, Boeing to create individualized, three-dimensional maps (pyramids or tetrahedrons are other words we use for these maps) that are about 8 inches in size and constructed from plastic and cardboard. We call them DNA maps or pyramids and they have been useful in helping executives determine their unique strengths and identify the next significant steps for themselves and their organizations. These DNA maps can help shape the future when used as tools in visualizing the future and clarifying purpose. Because they are based on our unique strengths and weaknesses and help us become aware of our latent capacities and competencies, we call this process “igniting the natural genius.”

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